Mrs. Murphy's Class News 
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to drop by the classroom to see me or email me at
Please be sure to check the school website for the monthly school newsletter There should also be a link on the right hand side of this page. It is posted on the first Friday of each month.
Spelling practice
Math facts practice
Share stories together
Thank you!
Your child should read aloud to an adult everyday. Ask questions about what they have read.
What happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story?
What was the problem in the story and how was it resolved?
Who was in the story (characters) and where did it take place (setting)?
Kids A-Z
They also still love to be read to.
Be sure to check out Mr. Hunt's "Library" link for reading ideas.
Spelling Words
Practice the word list that comes home each Monday as there is a pattern in the words. Please reinforce not using capital letters and checking for reversals of letters.
Basic Facts - Practice addition and subtraction facts until they are "known by heart". Having the basic math facts firmly in place will help your child be successful in Math as these are the building blocks for upcoming units throughout the year and many more years to come. This can be done by playing games, using apps, and even using flashcards.
Please read "Math Facts Parent Newsletter" listed below
Skip Counting - Practice counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s up to 100. Many children have a difficult time going beyond 100 - but if your child is ready, they can get comfortable going up and over 100 and continuing the patterns. Try skip counting backwards.
Other Interesting Websites
Please look at: Student Links for more sites.
Tumble Books: a website that animates and reads aloud various picture books.