Welcome to Grade 4!

Please contact me by email any time you have a question or concern (sharon_mulder@sd33.bc.ca) or stop by the portable after school!

Weekly events:

Mondays:  Assemblies (check school schedule)

Tuesdays:  Computers; PE

Wednesdays:  Computers; Mrs. McMaster (Music/Healthy Living)

​Thursdays:  PE

Fridays:  Mrs. McMaster (Music/Healthy Living); Library book exchange


Homework Expectations:

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."--Robert Collier

Small daily efforts at working and studying at home will have a huge payoff by the end of the school year! Instead of asking whether or not a student has homework, encourage your child to spend 40 - 60 minutes daily on the following:

1. Read for at least 20-30 minutes daily.  This could include reading to yourself, reading out loud to someone, listening to someone read, or working on raz-kids.  Be adventuresome!  Read a good book, a graphic novel, the newspaper, a magazine, or a great poem!

2. Review and practice basic math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication) and/or practice the math concept covered in class each day.

3.  Finish incomplete work:  if you have an unfinished assignment, please do this first, then spend time on other home study activities if you still have time!

Please check back regularly for updates and information!