Welcome to the Sardis Elementary School Library Page
(Mr. Hunt = Teacher-Librarian)
Go to the LIBRARY CATALOGUE to SEARCH for books:
FALL 2019
Welcome back to the Sardis Elementary Library Learning Commons!
It seems that the summer reading loans pilot, called #BooksOut4Summer, was a major success. Thanks to those who were able to come out for the two Library POP-UP days this summer. I am certain that #BooksOut4Summer will now become an annual event. Soon, i'll post the stats for the event....
Reminder: Look for the Wild About Books Little Free Library outside the front doors of the school. It will constantly have an infusion of new gently-used books!
Reminder: the BOOKS FOR BABIES initiative continues. Essentially, this PAC-funded partnership with our Sardis Elementary Library means that a new board book will be delivered (hee-hee, pun!) to new babies born to families in the school. Let Mr Hunt know whenever new babies arrive.
NEW ~ Reading Extravanganza Challenges
Available for students who want to read their way to FREE reward books (204 freebies were given out last year!). See the attachments at the bottom of this page; click any one to open, view, and print it out.
Below is a link to a new (5 min) video clip explaining the Reading Extravaganza Challenges and how to earn FREE books!
Please watch it; consider watching it with your family.
Here's the video clip link: it's fun, informative, musical and weird:
E-mail me at christopher_hunt@sd33.bc.ca with any questions, or see me in person in the Library.
Get special Library news alerts:
Creating a Twitter account takes less than five minutes. If you create one (or have one already), and choose to follow my account @ExLibrisMrHunt
Even better, follow my INSTAGRAM account for great book recommendations and pics of events in the Library: @ExLibrisMrHunt
Why am I on social media for the Library?
I want to have an Instagram and Twitter account as a way to very quickly connect with families regarding...
—Library News, such as new arrivals, contests, events, etc
—book of the week recommendations for various ages, themes, etc
—homework help ideas, research help ideas, etc
—occasional book and author related news, etc
Why should you follow the Library?
To get news about the above things. Also, the great thing about the format is that it is quick: minimal characters per post, including a possible link and a picture: you glance at it; if it interests you, follow the link; if not, move on with your life.
Book Fair
The next Book Fair will be in May, again, after the Victoria Day long weekend.
NOTE: 95% of the Library’s profits from the Book Fair go straight back to the students! The sales are not used as a fundraiser. They are used to purchase “freebie” books that any student may choose from if they complete one (or more) of Mr. Hunt’s Reading Extravaganza Challenge lists throughout the year. More info down below under the heading "Older Posts..." See also, downloadable reading lists in the Attachments section, and be sure to look at the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.
ERAC Digital Resources: RESEARCH HELP for KIDS
What are they?
The “databases” tend to be bundles of related academic journals, kid magazines, encyclopedias, etc. organized into an online collection that you can search by subject, etc. They are "vetted" for school-age appropriateness. They are safer and more relevant than your average Internet search.
The “hidden web/invisible web”
These database articles will not usually be available in your average Google search—or, if they do show up in results, when you click them, they ask for a special password to gain access.
Now that SD33 has bought into the ERAC database bundles we can use the resources.
Examples of the digital databases available:
World Book – various products
National Geographic Kids
MediaSmarts Passport to the Internet
EBSCO Elementary Mini-suite
Encyclopedia BC
EBSCO Secondary Mini-suite
Gale In Context Series
myBlueprint Canadian Post-Secondary and Occupation Database
We have broken these resources out into grade appropriate pages with each page containing links to many research databases…
Elementary Online Resource Library
Middle Online Resource Library
Secondary Online Resource Library
How to access them: Two options:
A) To access via the Sardis Elem website while in the school any time of day...
Go to https://sardis.sd33.bc.ca/ (you are there now if you are reading this)
Click on "School Information" and look under “Library."
Click the drop down link to “Online Resources”
From there, Elementary Online Resources will be auto-selected
You’ll see the link to the databases...ready to search on your topic of choice…
B) To access from home:
Since your IP address will not be an SD33 site, you'll need a username/password
All of the remote access codes have successfully been changed to
- this is for both username and password
for all of the databases: world book, EBSCO, Gale, Learn360, etc. But, Criterion On Demand requires user: 91006 ; new password: CHwK33
Please give them a try from home and if you have any challenges, let me know.
Try this:
Go to the Online Resources page, choose a database, or two…
Search for an upcoming curriculum topic you'll be learning about…
force and motion, simple machines, asteroids, etc…
F.V.R.L. READING LINK Competition!
Grade 4 and 5 students who are interested in this competition will need to read the six fab novels to be announced each November. The Reading Link is a partnership between school Teacher-Librarians and the Fraser Valley Regional Library. FVRL generously supplies the book sets; they also organize and host all of the competitions.
Students need to read all six novels between November and the end of February. We will meet occasionally, at lunch, to check progress and discuss some of the books. More regular meetings will occur in February and March. Then we will discuss the books in detail and do practice questions in preparation for the competition in April.
For more info, a Reading Link newsletter will eventually be sent home with students.
Or, visit the website: http://www.readinglinkchallenge.ca/pdf/RLC_Student_Newsletter.pdf
REMEMBER: follow Mr. Hunt on Twitter and Instagram for quick Library News, plus book suggestions, and more... @ExLibrisMrHunt
OLDER POSTS kept for interest/relevance:
Announcing an exciting event open to all students...
Mr. Hunt's Reading Extravaganza Challenges!
These Challenges are lists of fabulous books that students can choose to read (on their own, or with others). If they finish a list, they turn it in, signed off by a parent, and then they get to choose a reward book for free! To keep forever! Yahoo! Get started today...
For more details, read the Mr. Hunt's Reading Challenge FAQS page. You will find it in the Downloadable Files section down below. It is a downloadable/printable copy.
To see the various Challenge lists (including Picture Book lists, Graphic Novels, First Nations, Series Novels, and many, many more lists), click on the links for Mr. Hunt's Reading Extravaganza Challenges in the Downloadable Files section down below. These are also downloadable/printable copies. Paper copies are also available in the Library.
FYI: Library Time Before and After School
Hello family members and caregivers of Sardis students,
I would like to extend a welcome to all families to come visit me in the Library.
I will always be open in the morning around 8:00.
I'll be open for half an hour after school most days.
Dropping off or picking up students? Feel free to stop in with them to read a book to pass the time.
Come to ask me for a million suggestions on what to read next!
Come in to find the next titles on your child's Reading Extravaganza Challenge list.
Come to watch me juggle flaming torches! [Sorry: not true]
Looking forward to meeting you,
Christopher Hunt